What is OPEN PLAY?
OPEN PLAY are Open Session games launching every 20 minutes during our Normal Operating Hours. Anyone is welcome. Get suited up, sign your waiver and jump into the next available time slot to try to become Chillicothe’s Top Assassin (advertised each week on our Facebook page).
If Customers are seeking a Private Mission, then they will need to secure an Appointment anytime outside of our OPEN PLAY hours HERE.
Set Missions will be played with a limited amount of equipment available. No more than 24 Players allowed in a session/mission at a time. Teams may be randomly generated to assure fairness during gameplay.
Is E.T.’s open for delicious hot dogs and rolled ice cream during OPEN PLAY?
Yes, E.T.’s (Eats & Treats) will be open during Open Play each evening. Make sure to check out our UFO’s crafting Custom Rolled Ice Cream Flavors right in front of your eyes.
Are there any discounts in OPEN PLAY?
Yes, the more people you bring and the more sessions you book, the cheaper the rate becomes (per player) whether you are playing publicly or privately at AREA 54. If you want to maximize your dollar, bring a friend or 2 or 10! Even if you pay separately, you will earn the same Group Discount individually. Each session lasts 15 minutes, and sessions are sold in 15-, 30-, and 60-minute increments. In other words, 1, 2 and 4 games to be used whenever they want during that day. Special circumstances may allow purchased games to carry over to future dates.
What are the hours for OPEN PLAY?
Monday: Appointments Only
Tuesday: 4 pm to 9 pm
Wednesday: 4 pm to 9 pm
Thursday: 4 pm to 9 pm
Friday: 4 pm to 10 pm
Saturday: 4 pm to 10 pm
Sunday: 3 pm to 9 pm

One player, One 15-minute Mission
(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9 -
Discounts begin with Groups of (2) or more.
GROUP TOTALS (individual) RATES:
2 to 5 people--$14.25/person
6 to 10 people--$13.11/person
11 to 15 people--$11.98/person
16 to 20 people--$10.85/person)
21 to 25 people--$9.72/person)
(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9 -
Play as many sessions as your heart desires during our OPEN PLAY hours for one low rate. Rate includes Free Equipment and Gameplay Upgrades.
$50.00 (over $270 value)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9 (30% off, 50% with tournament registration)
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9 -
Discounts begin with Groups of (2) or more.
GROUP (individual) RATES:
2 to 5 people--$23.50/person
6 to 10 people--$21.75/person
11 to 15 people--$19.00/person
16 to 20 people--$16.75/person
21 to 25 people--$14.50/person(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9 -
Play as many sessions as your heart desires during our OPEN PLAY hours for one low rate. Rate includes Free Equipment and Gameplay Upgrades.
$50.00 (over $270 value)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9 (30% off, 50% with tournament registration)
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9 -
Discounts begin with Groups of (2) or more.
View Gear
Tour Arena
GROUP TOTALS (individual) RATES:
2 to 5 people--$40.00/person
6 to 10 people--$35.00/person
11 to 15 people--$30.00/person
16 to 20 people--$25.00/person
21 to 25 people--$20.00/person(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9 -
Play as many sessions as your heart desires during our OPEN PLAY hours for one low rate. Rate includes Free Equipment and Gameplay Upgrades.
$50.00 (over $270 value)
Open Play Hours:
Tuesday: 4-9 (30% off, 50% with tournament registration)
Wednesday: 4-9
Thursday: 4-9
Friday: 4-10
Saturday: 4-10
Sunday: 3-9(Rates Do Not Include Taxes)

This awesome addition to any tactical tag mission will allow the player to lightly toss on the ground (not at another player) and it will detonate to eliminate players in its path.
Grenade can be re-used.
Grenades may not be available for Open Play hours. Limited amount available for Private Sessions.
This special equipment is great to secure an area. Simply turn on and place on the ground. The claymore will detonate when any player crosses its path setting off its motion sensor, including yourself. Be careful not to eliminate yourself by accident.
Claymores may not be available for Open Play hours. Limited amount available for Private Sessions.
This upgrade is a must have for increased tagger accuracy. The sight has two colors (red/green) and five different symbols to choose from.
Dot sights for a specific tagger only available for scheduled appointments. Since they take time to install properly, only a limited amount of taggers will have them available for Open Play.
This upgrade is almost a cheat code. A must have for ULTIMATE tagger accuracy. The sight has two colors (red/green) and five different symbols to choose from.
DO NOT DIRECT LASER AT OPPONENTS FACE. Lasers can cause damage to eyes.
Dot sights for a specific tagger only available for scheduled appointments. Since they take time to install properly, only a limited amount of taggers will have them available for Open Play.

In this Mission, all participants are broken into two groups, Team Human and Team Alien.
Similar to Team Attack, except when a player is eliminated, they respawn as member of the team that eliminated them.
The objective is to capture (eliminate) all members of the opposing team; creating one full team of Humans or Aliens. The team that has all of the players wins.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn -1
A large group of Aliens have crash landed in the back alley and are trying to make their way into AREA 54.
Individuals/smaller groups will be assigned with eliminating them. There are no respawns on this Mission.
The Player(s) that survive the longest without being eliminated will win.
Scoring: Death -2 and game over, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn 0 (No Respawns)
This game scenario is limited to 8 players or less. Each player must eliminate their opponent successfully using each tagger. A successful elimination will be announced over the speakers and the player must return to HQ to get paired with their next tagger. If a player is eliminated twice using the same tagger, they will be alerted that they have been demoted and must return to their previous tagger.
The player that eliminates their enemy using all of the available taggers first, will be crowned Victorious!
In this Scenario, each team will elect one or two assets (King/Queen). This player(s) will have maximum Health and Armor (500 HP Total), but only One (1) Life. The rest of the team will be made up of “Pawns”. Pawns will have decreased Health and unlimited Respawns.
The point is to eliminate the other team’s Assets (King/Queen) before they eliminate yours. A mix of defensive and offensive strategy is needed with the ability to work together as a team.
A "Domination" style Mission where teams are broken up into 2 to 3 groups. Three Digital Flags have been strategically placed somewhere in the Arena. Teams will compete against each other for control of as many flags as they can. The longer a team holds control of the flag, the more points that team earns.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn -1, Flag Capture +25, Flag Destroy +50, Flag Control +100
In this Mission, Teams are broken into 2 to 3 groups. Each group has their own Home Base Digital Flag to protect. The goal is to locate and secure the opponents Digital Flag and return it to your Home Base Digital Flag without being eliminated.
Multiple players can carry their own flag by tagging the upper-center of the Digital Flag. The catch is the Flag-Holder loses their ability to operate their tagger until they have safely delivered the flag to Home or was eliminated trying.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn -1, Captured Flag +25, Destroyed Flag +50
On this Mission a strange virus has leaked into AREA 54 causing players to gradually lose health. Players must source the Digital Flags and control them for it to regenerate their health. Friendly fire is turned on.
If they control the health locations, they survive the infection. Respawns limited.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Friendly Fire -2, Respawn -1
In this Mission, each team has its own Base Flag they must protect from being destroyed at all costs. They must also locate their opponents Base Flag and destroy it. The goal is to destroy the enemy's Base Flag as many times as possible in the provided time limit, while also protecting their own Home Base Flag from being destroyed.
The base can revive its players. Destroyed Flags will regenerate. Team with the most points and Flags destroyed wins.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn -2, Destroyed Flag +50, Controlled Flag +10
Similar to Territory Control, in this Mission Players must fully destroy their opposing team's flag versus merely damaging it. It takes several direct shots to destroy it and a bar will show how much damage is left.
Once the flag is destroyed, that team controls it and must protect it from being destroyed. The Flag will regenerate health to the Team that controls it. The Team that controls the Flags the longest or scores the most points wins.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn -2, Flag Capture +25, Flag Destroy +50, Flag Control +10
Similar to Territory Control and Outpost, in this mission the Flag only revives injured players instead of respawning them. Eliminated players must wait for the next round to start or be respawned by their Staff Sergeant. This creates a potentially strategic advantage for one team over the other.
The rounds are shorter. The team that controls the Flag(s) the longest in addition to surviving the longest wins.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn N/A, Flag Capture +25, Flag Destroyed +50, Flag Controlled +10
In this Mission, Teams are placed in Enemy Territory. A Perimeter Nuclear Device has been activated near their Home Base. Players must locate the hidden Flash Drive, the Key and the Code located somewhere in the Arena. They must use all three (3) to disarm the Nuclear Device before time expires.
Oh, did I mention they have to survive enemy fire in the process. This is an intense mission requiring strategy and tactical awareness to succeed.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +3, Hit +1, Respawn -1
Two Teams are divided between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. The Bad Guys will be given the Perimeter Device, Flash Drive, and Code. They must plant the Device near the Good Guys Base and activate it before time expires.
The Good Guys Mission is to prevent this Terrorist Act from occurring. Winner is determined by whether the Mission was a failure or a success.
Scoring: Death -2, Kill +2, Hit +1, Respawn -1
Each team is provided with a Perimeter Case that they must deliver and activate in the Enemy's Base to win. Before doing so they must locate the hidden Flash Drive and determine the correct code to arm it using hints strategically placed throughout the arena map. They will also need to avoid enemies attempting to do the same and eliminate them on sight. Once the Flash Drive is located; teams must deliver the device to the opponent's base, insert Drive, input code and the device will be activated. Device cannot be disarmed once activated. The team that activates their device first, wins.
Scoring: Death -2, Elimination: 3, Revive/Respawn -1